Wow! Another pile of horse manure for advice! Only ';tma'; has it right. And here's why:
You don't have an option. You must provide it, it's required by law.
The IRS cross-checks separate returns to make sure that both are properly filed. For example, if one party itemizes their deductions, the other party MUST itemize even if that amount is $0.
If you don't provide it, your return will be rejected and the IRS will assess a penalty for failure to list the SSN. If a paid preparer signed the return, they will be hit with the same penalty as well. If you don't have your estranged spouse's SSN and cannot get it despite due dilligence efforts you must attach a signed statement to your return giving their full name and address and describing the efforts you took to get the SSN.
Hint: If you're in the process of a divorce, your attorney can request it from theirs for tax filing purposes. They will get the SSN for you, trust me.Does my spouse's accountant need my SSN if she lives in another state, considering we are divorcing?
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If you look at Form 1040 under filing status you will see that if you check off ';married filing separately'; it asks for the spouse's SSN#. If you plan on filing married filing separately, you will need your wife's SSN as well. So i would suggest that you cooperate.鈥?/a>
Just file your taxes ASAP. Other states have different rules meaning no state tax. If you do not want her to have it then don't. In CA each spouse must report half of their combine community income and deductions in addition to their separate income and deductions.Community income: property, slaires, wages, and real est, etc. Consult your tax preparer and accountant or call IRS for yourself they will answer question like this and find out what state they can also give you the number for the IRS in the state she lives in ask IRS. Call IRS. If you do not have anything just file.
There probably is a compelling need, but you
should make the accountant define what it is.
You can certainly imagine that it would be needed
for alimony issues, insurance issues, credit issues...
Doesn't matter - if the accountant is mum, you should
be too.
i would file injured spouse you file yours let her file hers.don't give up anything you dont have twice divorced and went to the cleaners both time,s let her file her own taxes
Yes, married filing separately returns have to list the other spouse's social security number. You'll need hers for your return also.
If you ever filed a joint return, either of you could get a copy from the IRS that would show both numbers. So don't give the accountant a hard time - just give him or her the number.
Unfortunitly, if you guys are still married than yes. A friend of mine and her husband who are in the same situation (seperated and living in seperate states) And unfortunitly, if your spouse evades the IRS while you guys r still legally married, then the IRS has a right to come after your wages. However, the SS no is not required for all state taxes, you would have to contact your local tax agency to ask.
from what understand no she does not need it.
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