Friday, April 30, 2010

What would you think if you saw your spouse drive by you on the other side of town?

when they are supposed to be at work? What would you say to them when they got home or wait to see if they say something first?What would you think if you saw your spouse drive by you on the other side of town?
I would tell her to pick up a pizza over there on that side of town.


...if I did NOT trust her I would NOT be married to her.What would you think if you saw your spouse drive by you on the other side of town?
Unless you have reason to doubt him from past actions or have some reason to be currently suspicious then I wouldn't bring it up,just the fact that he wasn't where he was supposed to be doesnt mean much I dont think,a lot can happen when you leave the house,maybe he was buying you a christmas gift across town or decided to go to another gas station across town because there a few cents cheaper a gallon.

Let him bury himself and catch him in the lie. Ask about his day and what he did. Try and get him to commit to what he was doing at that time. If you catch him in that lie...don't tell him how you know. Lie lie lie. Tell him that he's full of sh** and that you know for a fact that wasn't where he was. Ask him, Who is she! ? I saw you with her I know you are seeing someone!! Tell him not only did you see him but someone else saw him someplace else too. He won't know where or what you saw. He might fess up to more than you know. Good luck...and hopefully he will tell you the truth and he was only on an errand for something.
This isn't a trick question right? I mean, your husband is not a policeman on patrol or something? Is there honestly nothing in his job that would entail him driving somewhere? Is it the time of your anniversary or birthday? But, supposing he's an office worker who handles his entire job at his desk, I'd just ask him how work was, what he did, etc. If he never mentioned it, I'd tell him I'd seen him and gauge his reaction, then take it from there.
I'll wait for a day, hoping she tell me what she was doing there, if she didn't will confront her next day after asking her how as her day, was it busy day,did she has to leave her work place for a reason.

according to her answer, my reaction will be...z
Sounds like someone has some trust issues, no? Could it be they were running an office related errand? Maybe they were on lunch? If you suspect your husband is being shady, he probably is. Why don't you put a tracking device under his car or tap his cell? ha! ha!
I would call him and say Hi and tell him he had just driven past me. If I didn't have a cell I would say I had seen him when he got home. I have no reason to believe that he would be doing anything wrong.
The last time I passed my husband on the other side of town he was pissed because he was buying me a gift certificate for my birthday and thought I knew what he was doing.
I would call him and say Hi Honey...just wanted to call and say hi. I called the office and you weren't there...where are you. If he lied about where he was then I would definitely question why he had to lie.
Probably ask her ';how was work?'; as she works on the other side of town.
Hey I saw you driving today. I was............ what brought you to that neck of the woods
Linni too funny,good advice though
I think you have answered this already, Let him go....
You should have followed him
I'd be like WTF? And do a double take as I swerve to avoid getting in a wreck
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