Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Are you married and live in the same house as your spouse but still live alone, eat alone and sleep alone?

If you do do you consider yourself to be married?Are you married and live in the same house as your spouse but still live alone, eat alone and sleep alone?
I did do that a few years ago but then I realised how completely seperate our lives and relationship had become so we got divorced

you cant really call it a marriage can youAre you married and live in the same house as your spouse but still live alone, eat alone and sleep alone?
yes its sad when it all goes downhill like that

I ended up feeling like the unpaid housekeeper and you do ask yourself why people change so much - at least I know now that my ex is still unhappy with his life and it wasnt my fault his attitude changed

you take heart, there is life out there :0)

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If it was me I would consider myself as separated - current partner of 8 years, although he was never actually married, shares a house with his ex and their daughter, because they own the property and neither can afford to buy the other one out, he rarely sees her as he works night shift and she day shift they do their own cooking and washing and have separate bedroom - before you jump to conclusions i have met her several times and they do have separate lives. I was married for 20 years when he up and left, I could not have stayed with him and be classed as separated.
my boyfriend (fiancee) of three years is a chef so he leaves for work at 8 in the morning and finishes about 10 at night and he comes home for one hour a day (which he lays down and naps for) and i see him for two hours at night but im always the one who has to make conversation and even beg for sex (which i get once every 3 or more weeks) but he always seems to be so tired. i stay at home and take care of our one year old and im almost due to have our second in december. he gets one and a half days off a week, hes either in the backyard or watching movies. but yea i feel like i live alone, i do eat alone but i cant sleep until he comes to bed. it sucks and when i think about marrying him i want more than anything, but then i think of our lives and don't want to cause im still gonna be lonely all the time....also i don't have any friends and the only person ive got to talk to is my daughter....so sad lol
I have lived that way on-and-off for a couple of years. My husband's way of showing his anger is the silent treatment, which can go on for weeks. I realized that I was basically alone, anyway. We are in the process of divorcing. I don't feel like I have been married (except on paper) for a while and I think this divorce was inevitable. I am married and lonely...and that's not right!
I used to be married to a man that treated me that way. I never strayed and I never even thought about cheating. I was the loneliest person in a crowded room.....that is how I felt. I was more lonely with him there then when he was gone.

We divorced and I obtained a better life......thank God. Never settle and never be settled for. Try and reconnect, emotionally. Share your dreams, sorrows, joys, laughter, pain.......become each other's best friend......at least try. Do more together. Remember what brought the two of you together to begin with.
I am thinking about doing this as the guy I am married too is a good guy but we have zero in common now and i'm thinking that life changes are in order for me and our little son, its so lonely being married to someone you have nothing to talk or laugh with.

Not nice.
I am in that marriage now dying to get out but very afraid of not financially being able to do this.To answer your question yes at the moment i do consider myself married but not for long more hopefully.
I was once and no, it didn't feel like I was married. On the other hand, there are plenty of people out there who are married to folks that they wish would leave them alone.
When I was married I did.

I consider myself never married.
I wouldn't be married if I had to live like that. That is not a marriage.

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