I love my partner more than anything, and even if they gave us a 1% chance of having a baby, I'd still marry him. I want children, but there is always adoption.
How would you feel? Would not being able to have children be a deal breaker for you?Would you have married your spouse if you knew they couldn't have children?
No. I'm not married, but I plan marrying someone that I love so much that it wouldn't matter what their flaws were, like not being able to have children.Would you have married your spouse if you knew they couldn't have children?
I know it's mean but yeah I would break off the marriage if I wanted children. I mean if it was the ultimate goal I wanted to achieve in life.
( ex. the octomom and her dream of having a big family.A crazy way BTW) I would find someone else more suitable to my needs. As mean as it is I can see the women eventually leaving her husband or cheating on him later on in life because she was so miserable because she couldn't have that child she really wanted. Adoption is a great option, but if it were me I would find someone more suitable. Just being honest!!:)
absolutely yes. As a matter of fact, we thought that may actually be the case. It took us over 6 years (that was 13 years ago, we now have 3 girls the oldest is now 13) and lots of fertility drugs to finally conceive.
But even if she would've never been able to have kids that would've been fine.
As I told her when she'd get down on herself for not becoming pregnant, I didn't marry her for the thought of the kids she might be able to give us. I married her for her because I love her.
You have to remember what the vows said. ';For richer and poorer, in sickness and in health, for better and for worse...';
When you meet someone and fall in love you don't know if either one can have children. If it turns out that one of you can't have children it should only be a little bump in the road that can get all worked out with the love you have for each other. People adopt all the time, and you can also get help in other ways. Love is a strong bond that can help through all the bad times.
Not having children was a deal breaker for me, twice.
However, today, I have health problems that may make having a baby unwise and I'm ok with not having my own now. Adoption isn't an option, so I'll just have to enjoy my stepchildren and hope that we will continue to have a relationship over the years.
It wouldn't bother me. What matters is me and my sweetheart are happy with each other. To me that is 100% better than arguing or fighting with each other. As long as she is happy, then I am happy. I accept her for who she is regardless of her race, height, weight, back ground, and her past history, etc. Besides you can always adopt children if you wanted some.
I would be disappointed yes i think its only natural, but if i really loved and wanted to be with the man i'd look beyond it and focus on creating and maintaining a happy life with him. There are lots of of needy children in the world who needs comfort and a loving home, so yes i'd adopt a few.
I married my husband well aware of the fact that he could no longer father any children.
It was not a deal breaker for me, but then, I've always been on the fence over the issue of wanting children. Having children is not a priority in my marriage.
if i really loved him, then i would stick by him, no matter what. :) i believe everything happens for a reason and if my spouse wasn't able to have children, it was just my fate and i'd have to deal with that. and like you said, there's always adoption.
I married my spouse knowing full well that he couldn't have children. I helped him recover from his trip to the vet.
Personally, I don't want children, so it's not a big deal.
On the other hand, if a guy said I could never have pets, that would likely be a deal-breaker.
Yes. I did not marry him just to have kids. If he could not then we would deal with it. There are many ways to have children and a family.
Yeah, that wouldn't be a deal breaker. I'd have a lot of fun trying to prove the experts wrong!
I love my husband. I married him because of that. I don't care if he can make babies.
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