Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If our life on earth is limited vs. the afterlife, why marry a spouse of the same faith?

80 years on earth is nothing compared to eternity of heaven or hell right?If our life on earth is limited vs. the afterlife, why marry a spouse of the same faith?
because i want to be on one accord with my spouse. i don't want to live out this short life in heartaches or arguments. If our life on earth is limited vs. the afterlife, why marry a spouse of the same faith?
What the hell does that have to do with people getting married here on earth??I for one, married a man who was agnostic, I was roman catholic at that time. I am now a non-denominational Christian and he at least believes in God.God told us to go forth and multiply, and marriage IS spoken of in the bible, God would want us to be married.

Really...... you had to ask this.

The Bible refers to this as being unequally yoked. Refering to a team of oxen under the same harness. Life is much easier when your pulling in the same direction then if your pulling opposite of each others

No Brainer
II Corinthian 6:14 says ';Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?';

Now I realize it's talking about unbelievers but I think the same applies to differing faiths.

If I marry a Buddhist then that is an unbeliever in Christ. If I marry a Hindu or Moslem they are unbelievers in what I believe. In my God. In my Jesus.

How long have you been married? It's sweet that it doesn't matter to you.

It matters to me, though. Since I'm the one who has to look at the guy for however many years.
Would you want to spend 80 years of your life debating your wife over beliefs or would you want to share your mutual beliefs with each other?
A marriage should be a Spiritual unity. The same faith helps you to grow stronger together in the Lord.
same faith doesnt necessarily mean born again but theres no reason for ppl to not be happy in this life...this ques makes no sense...Most of us marry for love anyway not relig.
The question is, is it limited...

Ps 37:11,29. :o)
Some faiths (e.g. Mormons, in their exclusive temples) arrange ';eternal'; marriages.

As horrible as that sounds.
Yes, well, you see...in reality, this life is all you get. The ';afterlife'; is an empty promise.
80 years of being married to someone you cannot agree with on matters of God and judgment.........you will hate you life after the first year
I see what you are getting at but I think it will be a non-issue.

rev. Neil
um because you love them..

and this life is just a precious.
why breath air right?

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