Friday, April 30, 2010

When the kids out number you and your spouse isn't it so hard?

1year old sick since Monday, ear infection up all night for the past week, 5 year old having diarrhea and bad stomach pain, 8 year old upset because he's getting no attention, man we are getting so stressed. Doctor's visits out the ying yang, no sleep, sick kids, jealous kids, older kids fighting non-stop. How do you balance everything out?When the kids out number you and your spouse isn't it so hard?
I have 10yo, 5yo, 2yo, and sleep like a baby. Stress is self-created. Fighting siblings is normal, just remove the weapons form the house, and relax. Stop trying to micro-manage every household situation. My wife did the same thing until I told her to stop. The house is much quieter now that my wife and kids don't try to our shout each other.

Sometimes as parents, to preserve sanity, we have to let-go just a little. And quality, loving discipline works too.When the kids out number you and your spouse isn't it so hard?
I don't know, when my daughter is at my house she is outnumbered 4 to 1. So it's much easier on me. I could not imagine doing it with 3 though, keep up the good work :)

Just remember, sicknesses end. They will both eventually get better and things will get back to normal. Just work through this and live for the little things like sleep, LOL. You can do it, and when they are not sick any longer it will be SO much better. Live for tomorrow, tomorrow is another day.
We have 10 week old triplets. I don't think we have learned to balance it out, even though they were born 20 weeks ago.

Just last week, Savannah and Caleb were sick, and I clearly had to give them a bit more attention, Ella got sooo jealous. I found it easier just to tend to Savannah and Caleb, since Ella could never be pleased. Thank god my husband took 3 days off work to help me out. And of course it happened to be the week my mom was out of town.

Just take a deep breath once in a while. What also helps me a lot is going outside. Just for a short while. 15 minutes. the Vitamin D does wonders!
Wow. You and your partner need to go on a date once your kids get better.

Good for you for being a caring parent. You need to take the healthy, unattentioned boy on a date with you too. He'd appreciate it. Honestly, he should not suffer because his siblings are sick. He should be understanding, but he should not be punished.
just keep reminding yourself that they will not be this age forever, they will grow up, and tomorrow is another day


you're doing great, don't worry about it!
I only have two kids but I saw the grandma answer and I LOVED it!

Its so true!

You need a night out lady!
We don't have kids that out number us but I just wanted to say just keep up the good work, it will be over sooooon =)
one word grandma

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