Monday, December 28, 2009

If a person's spouse leaves with no warning, and the said person wishes to re-marry, how can that be done?

In other words, if a spouse runs off/leaves with no previous warning, and abandoned person wishes to re-marry, how can that be done? Is there a time limit of some sort that must be respected before they divorce?If a person's spouse leaves with no warning, and the said person wishes to re-marry, how can that be done?
nope, no time limit. Just get yourself a lawyer and have them petition the court for a divorce based on abandonment. The process may take longer than a divorce when you know where your spouse is, but you can still get divorced. You can't remarry until the divorce is final, of course.If a person's spouse leaves with no warning, and the said person wishes to re-marry, how can that be done?
They can divorce uncontested if they have lived apart for at least one year.

The person who wishes to remarry needs to be divorced from their spouse, regardless. They may file uncontested (as above), or under the grounds of adultery, abuse or abandonment.
you will have to file for a divorce and if you don.t know were they are send it to last know address and if there is know reply you will get the divorce with no problem my mom did this so that is how i know good luck
all they have to do is fill for divorce under abandonment put a notice of divorce in the newspaper for a week have to be 7 days striaght then you can legall after waiting 30 dyas for divorce to become final remarry
No, no time limit, go and get a lawyer and get a divorce.
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