Monday, December 28, 2009

What's the one thing (other than poop) that you won't do in front of your spouse?

I've been married 8 years and I can't bear to let him see me put in a tampon! Ha ha! What's yours?What's the one thing (other than poop) that you won't do in front of your spouse?
Well I used to hate it when my fiance would just walk into the bathroom when i was on the toilet but now i could care less no matter what im doing and he has seen me put a tampon in so i don't think that there's anything that we wont do in front of each other.What's the one thing (other than poop) that you won't do in front of your spouse?
married for over 18 yrs, and I still wont go in the bathroom when my wife is in there no matter what she is doing, and she isn't allowed to come in the bathroom when I am in there even if lam in the shower, I wont watch porn in front of her, that's my time not our time, and besides she acts is if she don't like them, but Ill catch her looking at some soft porn on hbo, or skinamax.pretending like shes not looking.and I would not ever masturbate in front of her
i refuse to pass gas in front of him. i still go to the bathroom, even in the middle of the night. i get horrible stomach pains but hey giving off the perception of perfection is hard! lol
Neither one of us is afraid of doing something in front of each other. Been together for 10yrs. I guess we're just very open kind of people.

Now I remember my mom has mention, a coworker of hers...never undressed in front of her husband.
After 18 years of marriage, there is nothing left that I won't do in front of my wife (including defecate).
Internet hate machine... Classic. ROTFLMAO. Tampon? Really? Weak.
Mine would have to be the tampon thing also. and farting. Oh and really playing with myself when hes at work
Spit or chew with my mouth open or talk with my mouth full.
Burp, let the gas out, digg for the gold.
letting out wind and putting in a tampon and going to the toilet
beat the family pet's
have phone sex with my ex
hmmm...nothing really...shes seen about everything....oo she has never seen me drunk!!!!!!!!!

but thats it...
Pee, fart, clean my nose. Lots of things.
do her sister or kill ppl
Pick my nose.
I would never attempt to catch my step witch when she has a temper tantrum again. nothing else is hallowed ground

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